Monday, December 8, 2014

#24) Epilobium canum

I saw this wonder of a plant at The San Francisco Botanical Garden this past October. It is Epilobium canum and thankfully, it is very much widely available. I was attracted to the drama of its bright red flowers against its silver foliage, as well as its soft form and wonderful application (in the middle of paving, anchoring 2 different levels). It demanded to be noticed!

At the two opposite ends of the spectrum, the straight species (A) has gray green foliage, while 'Catalina' (D) has silver foliage. Cultivars 'Bert's Bluff (B) and 'UC Hybrid' (C) are varying shades in between. These shades could prove useful in different plant palettes.

Hummingbirds love this plant. And, it can be used in California Native plant palettes. And, since this plant likes a cooler sun, I think it'll do great in Berkeley.

Biological Name: Epilobium canum or Zauschneria californica
Common Name: California Fuchsia
Family: Onagraceae
Origin: California (U.S.A.)
Exposure: Full Sun
Irrigation: Low Water Needs
Flower Time: Summer/Fall
Height: 1-2’
Width: 4-5’

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